For Christians, making an offering is about more than giving money. We believe that we can make our whole lives an offering to God—ourselves, our time, and our possessions. All that we have is a gift from God, and one of our greatest blessings is that we can pass that gift along to others.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with projects. If you’d like to volunteer your time or talents to something at the church, contact the church office or any member of the church council.
Financial giving is an important part of Christian discipleship. It takes resources for our congregation to ministry, both at home and in the wider church. Financial gifts and offerings mean we can better be faithful in our calling to live a fully integrated life as a community of believers.
At Living Word, we don’t pass a plate for offering, but instead you can deposit your offering in the offering box as you enter the sanctuary. This way worship stays directed at God and on God’s gifts to us as much as possible.
You can also set up your offering to be done electronically via Simply Giving. Contact the treasurer, financial secretary or the church office if you would like to give via Simply Giving.