
Members are encouraged to share their God-given gifts for the ministry with the whole church. Much of the work at Living Word is done through committees that oversee the mission of the congregation.

If you are interested in serving on any of these committees, please see a member of council. You are also more than welcome to attend committee meetings, as they are posted, and contribute in that way!

Worship and Music Committee

Ex officio members: Pastor, Council President, Music Director
Chairperson: Cindy Neumann

  • Oversee all duties of the altar guild
  • Maintain general worship and music supplies
  • Oversee and order flowers
  • Order seasonal worship supplies
  • Plan and oversee music events (such as concerts)
  • Plan worship schedule
  • Communicate with office staff to prepare weekly bulletin
  • Communicate all its workings with council via a monthly report

Christian Education Committee

Finance Committee

Hospitality Committee

Community Committee

Mutual Ministry