Members are encouraged to share their God-given gifts for the ministry with the whole church. Much of the work at Living Word is done through committees that oversee the mission of the congregation.
If you are interested in serving on any of these committees, please see a member of council. You are also more than welcome to attend committee meetings, as they are posted, and contribute in that way!
Worship and Music Committee
Ex officio members: Pastor, Council President, Music Director
Chairperson: Cindy Neumann
- Oversee all duties of the altar guild
- Maintain general worship and music supplies
- Oversee and order flowers
- Order seasonal worship supplies
- Plan and oversee music events (such as concerts)
- Plan worship schedule
- Communicate with office staff to prepare weekly bulletin
- Communicate all its workings with council via a monthly report
Christian Education Committee
Ex officio members: Pastor, Council President, Music Director
In transition
- Oversee all educational matters (The Well, Sunday school, confirmation)
- Plan and overs the annual VBS program
- Order and maintain all educational supplies and curriculum
- Oversees and plan and Word Alive activities
- Oversees and plan any SEPA youth event participation
- Collaborate with office staff to communicate education events
- Communicate all its workings with council via a monthly report
Finance Committee
Ex officio members: Pastor, Council President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer
Chairperson: Julie Gannon
- Plan, prepare and present the annual budget
- Plan and prepare monthly finance reports
- Maintain all financial records
- Oversee any and all accounts in Living Word’s name
- Oversee, manage and disperse any memorial assets
- Record and manage all monies donated to Living word
- Maintain and review with council salaries for paid employees
- Maintain all insurance policies for employees and property
- Communicate all its workings with council via a monthly report
Hospitality Committee
Ex officio members: Pastor, Council President
Chairperson: Elma Fenstermacher
- Maintain all records of the members (communion cards, baptisms, weddings, funerals, joining/leaving members
- Prepare and maintain a directory of members containing contact information
- Maintain communication with all members
- Visit and keep records of the shut-ins
- Visit and report on members who are sick and/or hospitalized
- Oversees member activities
- Plan fellowship activities
- Communicate all its workings with council via a monthly report
Community Committee
Ex officio members: Pastor and Council President
Chairperson: Julie Gannon
- Plan and oversee any mission projects and/or trips
- Help plan and oversee regular outreach activities such as Caring for Friends and Relay for Life
- Giving of all Living Word’s benevolence monies
- Plan community service activities
- Maintain communication and partnership with other local churches
- Form partnerships with other community agencies such as the Red Cross
- Maintain communication and partnership with government agencies
- Provide information (evangelism) about Living Word to the community and other agencies
- Plan and oversee activities that involve the community (such as the Flea Market)
- Communicate all its workings with council via a monthly report
Mutual Ministry
Ex officio members: Pastor, six members from the congregation including one council member
Council liaison:
- affirm and strengthen the mission of the congregation
- affirm the ministry of the pastor and staff
- clarify expectations and hear concerns and disagreements
- strive for sharing and communicating between members of the congregation
- review and reflect on ministries of the congregation
- pray and care for the congregation and its leadership